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How We Work With You

Tutors will work with both the student and you, their parent/carer, to maintain achievement and to overcome any difficulties which may arise during their studies by:

  • Building a positive ethos around learning, attendance, punctuality and behaviour.
  • Supporting students who are having difficulty with learning, behaviour, attendance and punctuality through discussion and advice.
  • Inviting you, the parent/carer, to attend progress review evenings.
  • Providing each student with an Individual Learning Plan (ILP); an on-going process of assessment, feedback, target setting and review to support them in continually improving their performance in their courses.
  • Sending full reports to parents/carers at the end of both of the ILP periods, the Autumn and Spring term.

Careers Appointments for Parents or Carers

You can book a one-to-one meeting with the Careers Department to discuss your son or daughter’s needs, future aspirations and career plans and find out what options are available for university courses, apprenticeships and jobs.

Year 12 Higher Education Parent/Carer Evening

The Careers Department organises an event aimed at all parents/carers of first year students which offers you the opportunity to meet university staff from several universities in our London partnership. You will also be able to gain an insight into opportunities on offer in UK higher education institutions, and how to best prepare young people to take full advantage of their academic and career opportunities.

Parent Portal

To log in to the Parent Portal, go to